Tridon is a company born of travelling passion
It was founded by Rajmund Bagiński, a traveller with many years of experience in expeditions. The tours organised by "Tridon" are different from those organised by tour offices. They are more like a travel of a group of friends who share a passion for the world, culture, fishing, hunting, horse riding, diving and searching for new experiences. After the expedition, these friendships usually last for years and further. Tridon has been developing itself for years and the selection of people forming the company is not random. Every person is an important link without who the success of the expedition is impossible. The company of "Tridon" is created by people such as a logistics specialist, photographer, mechanic, cooker, doctor so all the necessary functions that influence the success of the expedition. In addition, you can speak almost any language at Tridon. Eg. English, German, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian.
Rajmund Baginski. translator, organization of expeditions and logistics. (Sweden)
He can mention 19 expeditions to Siberia, but probably there were more.
Already in the 1990s, trips across the Europe were not enough for him. Furthermore, he visited Mongolia, Kazakhstan, a large part of South-East Asia and the Indochin Peninsula. He visited Russia, Lofoten and Lapland infinite number of times, but Siberia is still his favorite direction especially in winter. His next trip will lead to the wild lands of of Papua New Guinea.

Andrzej Sobina - photography and film (Poland)
A film producer who, thanks to his trips with Rajmund Bagiński, found a passion for travelogues and trips to the farthest sides of the world.
Andrzej works in Krakow on a daily basis managing the Panopticon Film Company. His film crew has already visited Norway, Lapland and the Republic of Tuwa, and his nearest plan is to produce the documentary film in Papua New Guinea. The main task of Andrzej on expeditions is to capture the best moments of our adventure.

Alexander Seredkin, expedition security, mechanic specialist and hunter (Russia)
A man born in Siberia. A hunter with many years of experience and excellent angler.
He knows all corners of the Republic of Tuva, most of the year he spends in taiga and he takes care of the expedition security and removes our technical problems. Whether it's drug addict at the station or bears in taiga, Alexander knows how to deal with them.

Grisha Kucharz (Russia)
He is a culinary fanatic, he'll never stop cutting something, cooks and always humorously comments everything.
Hardly nobody knows how important is the role of a cook on expeditions. This is the most difficult role and the most important one, everyone can do something to eat at home but in the taiga you need a master to feed ten heads with the taste, although we admit that sometime there are some problems with this taste;) Grisha is a true master of survival cuisine who can surprise you and in the heart of taiga at -40C during Winter he will serve you warm pancakes. Even the best chefs of Paris Restaurants will envy him for these skills. Grisha often breaks strict rules of taking unnecessary things to the taiga and always secretly puts some kind of chocolate or a cookie in our pockets. In his spare time, Grisha entertains everyone with Russian humour.

Krzysztof Siran - Doctor (Poland)
His 25 years of experience with medicine and sense have a great influence on the participants of the expedition, so that all of us come back our homes healthy.
Our doctor has an ungrateful role because he is the only person who, until this time, had no possibility to use his medical knowledge. But it is probably not necessary to explain to anyone how important his presence on the expedition is. Krzysztof is necessary during every expedition. He graduated studies at the famous Institute of Medicine and Hygiene in St. Petersburg, and thanks to this he is fluent in Russian.• He is a Physician of Paediatric Medicine and works on a daily basis in Poland at NZOZ Salus. Our doctor is also a great angler who is happy to share his angling experience with everybody.